the rainbow simplicity..the happiness it gives. <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d170110495474288019\x26blogName\x3d~::+Fideliciously+blue+::~\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dBLACK\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3d\x26blogLocale\x3den_US\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d-1836980281554681210', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>
Fideliciously baE ~♥

♥ disclamer
welcome to Fidelia's blog
if you dont like this page -
just simply
click here.
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♥ she

iz a baer.
who needz lotza love & care & understandin =P

♥ loves

online games.
to love.
and to be loved.

♥ detested


♥ flicked a coin

please gimme a life..
as simple as the rainbow..
which others might not think it as it is..

♥ reminsce

January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
August 2009

♥ talk with love

♥ darlinks

my mei ~ ying hui
marvin d Jitpunkia
Hie Ming
d3athlord aka mama!

♥ Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everywhere i go, i just see 'them' around...
they... are not mine..
but it only hurts me inside whenever i saw them.
have neva felt this painful before.
there is no word to describe the feeling.
tears just come by naturally . uncontrollably .

i do not want to give up life.
but i really donno what's the point to go on life like this also.
i have frens who still care about me.
but i'm not strong enough to just move on with their support.
i can't even get a grip on their helping hands.
it's like so far away... unreachable..
even though it's there, i think.

i really need a guidance.
to show me which direction to go.
or rather, i really need someone to just catch me up and go.
*sigh* whatever it is
there is nothing i can count on atm..........

i enchanted it last night

♥ Saturday, November 15, 2008

If you got nothing to do this weekend, there is somewhere you might be able to kill time with by eating and eating =P it's the Food Safari 2008! It will be at Suntec Convention Hall from 14~16 Nov

I went there last nite with the usual gang, there was a live band called New Asia performing, startin from 8pm. hmm, it's a band which u can describe it as "the West meet East"..sounds weird? hehe..

After the Food Safari, we went to Orchard! yippie! the decoration is so nice, that it makes your Xmas mood grow even stronger! xD

(to be updated again soon... gonna take a nap now =X)

i enchanted it last night

♥ Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's a Saturday when Eugene's mom invited us to go over for BBQ. It's definitely gonna be a big feast, again!

^ i think it's like a starter or maybe dessert xD prepared by Eugene's mom's ex-colleagues, slices of tomato, cucumber, cheese and quail egg in a toothpick. YUMMY~ healthy yet sinful~ haha


^ Delicious curry prepared by Eugene's mom! it's really hot and spicy woot!

Meiying sitting and waiting for the guys to start up the fire, while lookin after the food on the table =D
See how many people they need to get the charcoal burning? wow..

And then, they ran out of charcoal!! but don't worry, here they are, Eugene and Meiying carrying bags of stuff back, to the rescue~! (But it took them quite a while to come back to us :x)

Ok, where are the chicken wings? Oh, the "Chicken Wings Pro" tasting on the wing! hmm..

Everyone just took their time eating, chatting, hanging out at the area while these people are still BBQ-ing the raws.. xD Thanks peepz!

And then......... the 3 buddies are sitting down and chit-chatting..

donch know what they were discussing about but it seemed like Julian is tryin to console Eugene!??! haha..

i enchanted it last night

♥ Monday, September 29, 2008

想找个人谈心事, 却不知道要找谁
有人问我, 为啥我成天都这样不开心
我只能说, 有什么是值得让我开心的?
亲情,友情,爱情.. 不都是一样让人寂寞
我真的觉得活着, 一点都不容易..

最近读的一本张小娴的散文集... 《爱誓不灭》
大概世界上除了我以外, 也有其他很多女人和我的遭遇差不多吧...

一页一页的翻着.. 心里有越来越多的感触...

把自己一头栽在自怜中, 也没人理, 没人懂, 没人在乎...


i enchanted it last night

♥ Sunday, September 7, 2008












i enchanted it last night

♥ Friday, August 22, 2008

been really lazy to update my blog recently..
even though i'm always bored to hell and got nothing else better to do..
i would just laze around on the bed.. daydreaming...or even start thinkin bout nonsense.. =/ til sometimes i can be crying alone there under my pillow

i met "ebil" gEn gEn today and watched the scariest movie ever >.>
he kept laughin at me i donno why =x
duh, but it was as if the longest movie i've ever watched lolx
and don ask me why.. but all i can say is that..
why am i still awake at this hour? it's cos of it!!!!!!! >.<

sigh~ keep playing this song over n over again~

Oh, How about a round of applause, Yeah
A standing ovation
Oooooo, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (But it's over now)
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone)
You better hurry up
Before the sprinklers come on (come on)
Talkin bout'
Girl, I love you, you're the one
This just looks like a re-run
Please, what else is on (on)

And don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
You really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (But it's over now)
Go on and take a bow

Oh, And the award for
The best liar goes to you (goes to you)
For making me believe (that you)
That you could be faithful to me
Let's hear your speech, Oh

How about a round of applause
A standing ovation

But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
Now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (But it's over now)
Go on and take a bow
But it's over now

i enchanted it last night

♥ Sunday, July 27, 2008

Went to Sunway, KL from 19th - 21st ..
we stayed at Pyramid Tower - Studio room xD
hmm the room is nice but! the view is terrible as our room is facing the heavy traffic outside pyramid mall >.>
We didn't do much on the first day after we arrived as it was almost evening time when we got to check in our rooms.
After putting down all the bags, we headed to sunway lagoon theme park - Scream Park!
haha.. can't say it's the best, but still, it was a good experience inside
2nd day... we went to theme park again after breakfast in hotel..
=O cos we got complimentary entry ticket to theme park from hotel ^^
lazy to describe the details, so to conclude the day at sunway lagoon..
i'd say it was fun and great! hehehe...
*sigh* what made me feel sad is that i didn't really get to shop!
=/ still feel upset whenever i thought bout it....

kakaka.. i met a new friend, Rebecca on Sat nite.. which was the 2nd day in Sunway
went clubbing @ Bar Celona together with her, her hubby and her friends..
Sunway has changed a lot since my last visit..
even this Bar Celona is a new club, and i didn't see Q bar anymore =O expected!
owell, Flame Cafe is still around xD
i've never felt so happy for so long as that nite when i went clubbin with Rebecca them...
really danced all the way out which reminded me of the days when i was still studying in sunway college haha... just feel so FREE! and being myself!

well.. hope to go KL again soon.. either to shop, to club, to meet up with my frens!

p/s: posting this at nite.. so i'm too lazy to illustrate my trip in sunway.. and hence, i kept everything short n sweet ! LOL

i enchanted it last night

♥ Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Archive for April, May and June cannot be found.
=) been missing for months..
guess i'm not really a blogger type of person
i donch update my blog regularly
i post new entry only when i'm in the mood to do so

a lot of things happened for the past few months
my cute little niece,
Ysabella, came back to Malaysia to visit us all, when i was back in Kch too.
was fun having her around with us.. she's so cute and adorable

still feel so lost , even at this moment..
feel like i'm living for the sake of being alive...
it's like so meaningless..
and yet, i cant think of anything to change this
or even, i cant decide anything for myself

*sigh* i wish there's magic =/
whereas whatever thing inside my mind now, can come out into words by itself
onto a paper, or coming out from my mouth
i cant seem to know what's on my mind now either.. zomg! =.=

i enchanted it last night

♥ Monday, March 31, 2008

How To Dance In The Rain

It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his
80's,arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb.

He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be
over an hour before someone would be able to see him.

I saw him looking at his watch, and decided, since I was not busy with
another patient, I would evaluate his wound.

On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got
the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's
appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.

The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to
eat breakfast with his wife.

I inquired as to her health; he told me that she had been there for a
while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.

He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not
recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even
though she doesn't know who you are'?

He smiled as he patted my hand and said, 'She doesn't know me, but I
still know who she is'.

I had to hold back tears as he left; I had goose bumps on my arm, and
thought, 'That is the kind of love I want in my life'.

True love is neither physical, nor romantic. True love is an
acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best of everything they have.

I hope you share this with someone you care about. I just did.

'Life isn't about how to survive the storm,
But how to dance in the rain.'

i enchanted it last night

♥ Saturday, March 22, 2008

4am.. i'm not asleep yet @@"
goin back to kuching later..
am i too excited or too sad?
i donno..
there is so much things running in my mind now
but it's just that i donno how to express them in words.

i enchanted it last night

♥ dance to the rhythm

PCD-Hush Hush...